Seeing as it's so close to the end of term we've started getting the odd thank you gift. One grandparent who drops off and collects often had made us these macaroons.
Some will remember my poor attempts at Macarons right at the beginning of the year. These put me to shame. These were absolutely beautiful, crispy, chewy, smooth...absolutely amazing. I got home intending to just sample one and then mysteriously they disappeared.
I decided to make a cake for school for the staff room for the end of term, going a couple of days early so that it would get enjoyed and not left at the end of term. Having had success before, I decided to go once more with the confetti cake, and it certainly went down well. Had I not been able to get up sharpest I would have missed out on a slice myself, which would have been most unpleasant. I am really loving the white velvet cake, it's such a lovely moist consistency, I'm going to have to try adapting that to other kind of cakes, and maybe other sizes as is one always turns out enormoid.
As you've seen most of the process anyway I'm just going to share with you a couple of photos - one that I enjoy and one that is just to illustrate a point. The first, is the photo for today. The cake has 9 egg whites in it. Wha?! It's because it's a white velvet cake, and it's supposed to help it stay white. It never looks all that pale to me, but it tastes amazing so I'm not going to quibble. The yolks looked so pretty in the bowl that I couldn't to take a photo.
But below you can see the sheer amount of whites I used. Isn't that nuts?! I'd like to know if anyone has some interesting uses for egg yolks so they don't get wasted. I hate mayonnaise. Don't suggest that. I'd like to hear the things that no one suggests, the things that would tickle my fancy. Potentially things that can last so I don't have cake and something else on the same day. Well I'll always have something else...but you know what I mean.
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