6th July 2013
In order to save some journeys for family living outside of Kent a joint family party was half for Joe and Susie's birthdays, Susie's being on 18th June and Joe's on 19th July.
Jen made some beautiful cakes, Keith put some rockets on them. What more can a person ask for?
Ruthie and her cousin were far more civilised than the boys, finding themselves a table and chair in the shade for their repast.
The boys were too eager and sat on the pond. They needed plates less, as their cakes disappeared within seconds.
Susie is 2! Good grief.
JoJo is SEVEN. How is that even remotely possible?!
Whilst grabbing myself a cheeky Susie cuddle, she demanded I take a photo of Grandad. As they call both their grandads Grandad, my dad is nicknamed Grandad Pogle. Isn't that just the best thing ever?
Having taken one of Grandad Pogle we then had to seek out a snap Bungalow Grandad.
Ruthie is much more receptive to my cuddles, so I always take the opportunity to take a photo. Can't ever forget how lovely having this little girly squeezing me is, not to mention Tiny Baby or "Tines".
Ruthie decided to then have a go at taking some photos - here we have mum and dad, AKA Grandma and Grandad, with Grandad taking great care of Aya, Susie's baby.
I love this. Having been around children pretending to take photos a lot over the past year, it was really interesting to see the Susie took my phone and held it up to her eye to take the photo. Very few, if any, of the children I saw at work would do this, I imagine because they are used to compact cameras where the image is displayed on the screen so there's no need to look through a viewfinder, if there even is one! Susie however is surrounded by family members with SLRs, so that's the norm for her. We will make photographers out of our babies yet.
This is one of Susie's photos. I think it clearly demonstrates the fast paced nature of two year old and I'm certain that was what was in her mind and she lined up the shot.
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