17th February 2013
Keira loved the other babies being around her. They loved her just as much.
These are my darling three nieces, Ruthie who is nearly 5, Susie who is about 18 months, and Keira who is almost 3 months. I could not love my little girlies any more.
Ally, whose wedding you saw my RSVP to, often says to me "Being an Auntie is your favourite thing in the world isn't it?" She's right. I love being an Auntie, and who wouldn't, when I have these wonderful girls, not to mention a little boy who never ceases to amaze me.
The whole family were together for a little celebration for my brother. It's one of my real happy places, being with everyone I love so much. I get hugs on tap from the girls (as boy is far too cool for more than allowing himself to be hugged unless I demand a squeezy hug. Then he gives it some.)

This is a photo my Dad took, I adore it! He is the reason my brother and I became interested in photography. Thank you so much Papa, best present you could ever give me!!
My little Susie Sue absolutely adored her baby cousin, and could not stop hugging her and kissing her and generally being near her. Susie is at a stage where she is an absolute chatterbox, not necessarily everything she says is a word but she certainly knows how to hold court. She has new words every day, and was saying "Keya" in the sweetest little voice. I got a "Guppy" for Stephie, which I love! I've had different names from each nibling; Joe called me something that sounded a bit like "Tophie", Ruthie preferred "Ste-" and now I have "Guppy". I wonder what Keira will give me?
Ruthie Pi adores her little sister and baby cousin, and takes such wonderful care of them. She is the kindest, sweetest little girl in the world, and she certainly knows how to make you feel loved. As they were leaving after dinner on Sunday she said to me "I will definitely see you tomorrow won't I? Because I love you too much!" Doesn't your heart melt? When she had to leave the next day she was quite upset, which in turn upset me. I miss my little darlings so much when I go back up to London.
Ruthie, Susie and Keira, my loveliest of little girlies, Auntie Stephie loves you so so so so SO much and I can't wait to see you all again very very soon for a certain little Pi's birthday!
Auntie Stephie
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