Yes it is that day. Yes, I did get a Valentine, presented to me by shyly by a little boy in Nursery, and it's the best I've ever received. If this is the best I can ever hope for, then I think I'm sorted.

Otherwise, today did not stand out in any way. After work I went to meet a friend briefly who was selling me a new iPhone 5, to replace the one that was stolen a few months ago. I am very happy to be back up to where I was with my Apple technology, my home button on the 4 was driving me nuts.
After a lot of walking back and forth looking for somewhere that could give me a nano sim, I picked up my brother's birthday present and headed to Poundland to get some vital resources for school...along with some mini eggs. This is where I intended to liaise with Samantha, who had forgotten the reason I suggested we meet was that we both needed to go to Poundland. She went before meeting me and ended up waiting by the tube. Foolish. It was not all in vain however, we managed to coincide with Lynsey coming home from work, so we popped into the Bull for a drink.
I enjoyed this, I used to spend a lot more time at the Bull and I enjoy it as a pub. Another reason I enjoyed this was that it counts as a thing I think I would have thought as a child that grown ups do - drink on a school night. I know every so often I'll have some beer or wine at home after work, last night was such an example. But actually being 'out' and having a drink. That just screams adulthood to younger Steph, and as the rest of growing up is pretty rubbish I feel like I should throw her a bone every now and then.
We arrived back home and watched I Love You Phillip Morris. It's enjoyable, give it a watch. I had a pleasant evening...I even had another cider - exhibit A. Couldn't find the regular bottle opener so I had to use the one that's there for emergencies, and it ripped a chunk out of the bottle, so I had to have it from a glass. I prefer it from the bottle when I'm at home. Just the way it is.
Now, it is time for bed. One more get up, and it will be half term. I am going back to Kent tomorrow, YAY! Not sure what this means for photo uploads, as I use my desktop for this. Not sure the laptop could cope. We shall see. That's a bit of excitement for you there isn't it eh?
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